Friday, March 30, 2007

More early spring blooms

We've gotten quite a bit of rain over the last two weeks, and my plants certainly appreciate it. As a matter of fact, it's raining right now. We're expecting some "severe" (really bad thunderstorms and possibly tornados) weather this afternoon and evening.
Yesterday, during a short break in the showers, I got out an toured the yard. I have four rose bushes in bloom right now, and four with buds that look like they'll open within the next few days.

Freesias are opening up- my favorites are the white ones and the yellow and reddish-orange ones pictured. I have one tulip right now: that's a bit of a suprise, since I've never dug them up to chill them over the winter. (We have to do that
for colder-climate bulbs if we expect them to come up around here.) In the picture the tulip is pale pink, but when it opened two days ago, it was a bit peachy, with a pink blush. More of the irises are blooming, and my antique Safrano rose is putting out nice, big flowers. (They were a little puny last fall and a few weeks ago.) Two of my unidentified Home Depot roses are blooming: a varigated miniature and a yellow climber.


Blogger Annie in Austin said...

The last two posts have been fun to see, RSorrell! You've obviously spent a lot of time in nurseries and chosen some fine plants.
It might not have a name, but the yellow rose looks very nice.


March 30, 2007 3:29 PM  

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